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“Agents for Change”

Berlin (Germany)
As part of the project, we are working with eight selected Berlin schools. Students (aged 12-16) who are particularly active will be chosen to become active at their schools as “Agents for Change” in terms of global learning. The young agents will be prepared for their tasks in workshops and will choose the focuses of their work. They will learn, amongst other things, how to hold a “Climate Breakfast” and will then be able to carry this out with younger students at their school. They will be supervised by project experts in this learning process.
Contact: KATE

Leeds and Yorkshire (Great Britain)
In Yorkshire, 25 schools will take part in the initiative “Agents for Change”. We will also choose particularly active children and youths at these schools and will prepare them for their role as peer trainers for global learning topics. LeedsDEC will be supported in their work by the “Voice and Influence Team” from Leeds City Council. The highlights each year are the “Celebrations” – the children and youths can present their work and successes to a larger audience and gain public recognition for their commitment.
Contact: LeedsDEC

Linz (Austria)
In Upper Austria, the young “Agents for Change” are focusing on the topic climate protection / climate justice. In cooperation with the Climate Alliance Upper Austria, Welthaus Linz is organising a range of empowerment workshops for active children and youths from various year groups, and is preparing them to become active as peer trainers for their peers.
Contact: Welthaus Linz

Budapest (Hungary)
For particularly active students from the four pilot schools in Hungary, Artemisszio is organising a summer camp on global learning. The summer camp is an attractive opportunity for students to exchange with those of the same age, to learn from one another, and work on ideas together on what the further development of their schools could look like, how solidarity and tolerance can be strengthened, and how they can get their peers, as well as teachers and school leaders, interested in their ideas. Particular attention will be on the Southern perspective. For this, we will invite representatives of migrant organisations to the summer camp. They will provide the youths with advice and assistance.
Contact: Artemisszio
