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South-North school partnerships

Direct contact with youths in developing countries makes global learning come to life. A particular focus of our project is supporting school partnerships.

Berlin: Further development of South-North school partnerships
In Berlin there are already many school partnerships. The aim is to sustainably integrate them into the school profile and to acquire more students and teachers for active participation. EPIZ concentrates on the Khomas region in Namibia, KATE on Nicaragua and El Salvador and the BGZ on the Sub-Sahara region.
Contact: EPIZ, KATE, BGZ

Austria: Setting-up of South-North school partnerships and know-how transfer
In Austria, two schools will be supported in setting-up South-North school partnerships. Welthaus Linz will closely exchange with the Berlin partners in the process, who have extensive experience in working with school partnerships. They will motivate school leaders to set up school partnerships. Teachers will be offered the opportunity to participate in an exchange with their students, with students of the same age, and to deal with corresponding topics in the classroom. In addition, a handbook on the setting-up of South-North school partnerships is to be developed.
Contact: WHL
