Teaching and learning resources
In the project “Global Fairness“, teaching and learning resources on globalisation and sustainability issues are being developed for use in lessons and school project work.
A whole range of interesting educational resources on the topic area is now available – above all for use in informal learning. The challenge now is to bring these topics and resources into the regular school lessons – there are several resources in German and English, but still relatively few in Czech and Hungarian.
Global learning in the curriculum
The German and British partners are developing cross-curricular teaching resources for secondary schools together. The focus is on the topics climate justice and children’s rights. In addition, lesson plans for the subjects German, English, Spanish and French are to be adapted.
Kontakt: EPIZ und LeedsDEC
In Hungary, the core curriculum at mainstream schools in six subjects (mathematics, history, geography, biology, Hungarian and English as a foreign language) is to be extended round a global dimension. Resources on the topics of environmental justice, the fight against discrimination and racism, and fair trade will be developed for this.
Kontakt: Artemisszio
Catalogues and brochures
Brochures with teaching and learning resources on the popular topics cocoa and coffee will be developed for use in schools in the Czech Republic. As a basis we are using the tested resources from Germany and Great Britain. A catalogue with current resources on global learning in Czech will provide orientation for interested teachers.
Kontakt: EAP
Exhibition and toolkits
Visualisation is a key element when working with children and youths. Using pictures, posters, models, handicrafts, tools or even tropical fruits, the children and young people establish a much more direct contact to the living environments in the global South. A series of GE toolkits will be developed, which will be used in schools for work in lessons and in the framework of school projects.
In Berlin, three types of toolkits will be developed and adapted respectively for the age of the users – for use in kindergartens, primary school and in secondary schools. The toolkits will be supplemented with an accompanying guide for teachers. The focus here is on climate justice. Parallel to this, GE toolkits will be developed on fair trade in the Czech Republic for use for the initiative Fairtrade Schools.
Kontakt: KATE und EAP
A new interactive exhibition on the topic of migration will support schools in incorporating global learning in everyday school life and school development. The exhibition uses roll-ups and posters and can therefore be used in different schools.
Kontakt: BGZ
- Guideline on working with new media: Welthaus Linz
- Guideline on global learning for disabled children and youth: BGZ
- Guideline on working with the toolkits: KATE
- Guideline on cross-curricular work with global learning topics: EPIZ and LeedsDEC